Joanne Gallacher

Become a Perfect Housewife!

Anthea Turner’s Perfect Housewife tips

Anthea Turner perfect housewifeIn a recent interview we spoke to TV’s ‘Perfect Housewife’ Anthea Turner about getting your home in ship shape.

If you have kids and are fed up with the constant clutter around your home then maybe Anthea’s tips will help you out.

Anthea spoke to us about de-cluttering, cleaning, managing the home finances and avoiding wastage.

Anthea’s Top Ten tips

No. 1 You can’t run a home that’s a mess, so first of all you have to de-clutter it. If it’s not beautiful, useful or seriously sentimental - IT GOES. Charity shop or bin (you decide what’s best).

No. 2 There’s no getting away from it, you have to clean - often and frequent is my tip.

No. 3 When cleaning always start by dusting first, once everything’s cleaned down then hoover and wipe floors.

No. 4 Make your house a home. Consider your house from an aesthetic point of view, does it make you feel good. If not what can you add to it to make it more appealing.

No. 5 Run your home like a business and treat it with the same seriousness. Think about how you could run your home more efficiently, certain days for food shopping, budgets etc.

No. 6 Storage is very important, for instance - don’t have winter coats on the coat rack during summer, store them away, think about shrink wrapping them if necessary.

No. 7 Teamwork is also really important, when your children get to a certain age they can help with household chores, putting dirty washing away, cleaning and tidying away their toys etc.

No. 8 Avoid Wastage. If you cut up a lemon and have a dishwasher put the left over half into the dishwasher. It adds a little ting and sparkle in your wash.

No. 9 Get organised. Purchase a diary you can pin on your kitchen wall and put every event and birthday into this diary.

No. 10 Finances, keep them up to date - if you have bills to pay keep everything in one place or buy a folder to keep them in.

Our full interview with Anthea is now available on podcast and features some top tips on de-cluttering for Christmas.