Presenters & Editors
Peter Gallacher
Managing Director & Occasional Presenter. Ha!
Peter looks after the day-to-day running of the business side of the website and radio station and makes sure everything is working and running smoothly. You could say that he's the boss, but we wouldn't…
Joanne Gallacher
Broadcast Journalist & Online Editor
Joanne is married to Peter and they both have two little girls called Isabel and Elsie. They live in North Wales. Her background is radio journalism. Since graduating from university she's enjoyed a varied career…
Other Presenters

Maria Bailey
Maria Bailey is the station's US voice. She is an award-winning author, radio talk show host, nationally known speaker, and the foremost authority on marketing to moms. Maria is live every Tuesday and Friday.

Michelle Horn
Michelle is the stations cool tones. She'll ease you into your day with stress-free grace and poise. Michelle is married and has two children. A boy and a girl. When she's not on the radio…

Teddy Tiger
Teddy is our American party animal. He likes nothing more than playing music and spinning his Disco ball. Check out Teddy every day.