Terms & Conditions


The opinions of anybody interviewed for this website mybabyradio.com and subsequent digital online radio station also called My Baby Radio are those opinions expressed by the individual and are not the views of ourselves.

In addition all opinions and advice are intended solely for the purpose of providing general information only. The information is not intended to be nor is it to be treated as a substitute for professional advice relative to a specific condition or question. Please always seek the advice of a professional for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or legal problem.

Terms & Conditions

By using this website mybabyradio.com you agree to be bound by the following terms of use, which shall take effect immediately. If you do not agree to all the following terms of use, then please stop using this website. Please note that we may change these terms at any time by posting changes to these pages, and continued use of the website implies acceptance of any changed terms of use.

Please note, you’re not allowed to copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, transmit or otherwise use content from this website, including newsletters or podcasts for commercial use. Unless you have been authorised in writing by a company director.

Plus, as a visitor to this site, you agree to use it for lawful purposes only, and in a way that does not infringe the rights of, restrict or inhibit anybody’s use and enjoyment of the said website. Prohibited behaviour includes harassing or causing distress to any person by using obscene or offensive language or disrupting the normal flow of dialogue between users of this website.

If you hear or see anything offensive or have a complaint to raise about somebody we’ve interviewed or featured, please report it to us in the first instance by filling out the form listed here

Finally, if you mail any suggestions or ideas about future stories, blogs, podcasts or interviews for this site. Please be aware that when such material is submitted you will be deemed to assign all rights in such material to My Baby Radio Ltd which owns the website and digital online radio station in its entirety (including the right to edit and/or reproduce such material on the website and/or in the podcast, radio station, newsletter or otherwise), and you will be deemed to waiver any so-called moral rights you may have to the material you have released to us.