Baby milestones: First 12 months
Baby milestones
A baby’s first year is the most exciting time for the baby and parents. With every day you become aware of something different, a new milestone and memory, it feels like there is nothing that cannot be treasured. Even the first time they burp, cough or break wind is worthy of telling someone. Also the first time they gurgle makes a facebook update and the first roll-over needs to be videoed and posted to youtube!
And why? Because it is so exciting of course, yes although tiring it is such a special time!
If you are an expectant first-time Mum or a Mum on her second or third time around, it always feels uniquely different each time, the big difference with baby number two or three is that you often know what to expect but soon realise you'd forgotten how special this newborn stage was. So, whether you're looking for a refresher on what to expect or this is your first time having a child, we've listed below the baby milestones to expect in the first year.
Baby Milestones 1 to 3 months
In the first three months you will be battling with sleep deprivation, new parent anxiety, unexpected and sometimes unwanted visitors and a house bursting at the seams with nappies, cotton wool and various contraptions you do not yet understand. How can someone so small need so much stuff?
But in those first three special months you will receive some heart melting milestones as a reward. The first time they notice a light, the first gurgle, the first laugh and the first time they discover their own hands. These are all so simple, but they suddenly become such vital and important landmarks.
In these three months your baby may start to recognise and respond to familiar voices, they may even recognise familiar faces and start to show it by kicking their legs and wafting their arms in excitement! They also start to show the very first signs of independence: reaching for their first toy and completing their first roll!
Baby Milestones 4 to 6 months
During these months the baby becomes a little person. They laugh and smile more, hold their own toys (and drop them constantly) they are also usually able to sit and stand with support.
Some babies may also be getting very tired of just having milk and maybe showing signs of wanting to be weaned, they may even sit by themselves and hold simple foods and feed themselves. The gurgles may turn into babbles, some babies chatter too and your baby may even start to respond to their own name.
Baby Milestones 7 to 9 months
The biggest change for most babies in these months is movement. It starts with a wriggle here and there, a reach for a toy that becomes a lurch, a roll that becomes a tumble and before you know it they have started crawling! That said, not all babies crawl, some bum-shuffle, some pull themselves around on furniture and some squirm on their bellies.
In these middle months babies are likely to become more adept at drinking and feeding themselves. And with these vital motor skills comes more noise! Babies understand and enjoy interactive games, they understand the word “no” and they start making their own sounds: Like Mamma or Dadda! Bless.
Baby milestones 10 to 12 months
And in these months the skills are fine-tuned. If your baby is a crawler, they start to crawl really well (be careful) without warning they can suddenly appear behind you when you've walked into another room. Yes, new babies at this age are getting fast. And if they're starting to walk, which the majority of babies don't at this age they take their first independent steps or start using furniture and walkers to get around.
Also, a few more words will now be spoken, more games being played and more understanding and awareness taking place. But with these new milestones comes new sides to your baby too. The baby who no longer likes being left without Mum or Dad, the baby who can pull off his socks and shoes (and lose them) and the baby who can reach things, finds things and break things!
So that’s the first year in a nutshell! Well the best bits anyway.
It's also important to say that these are just guidelines and parents must remember that babies develop uniquely and independently at their own pace. Don't sweat the small stuff like whether or not your baby should be crawling now. This will come in time, and your baby will make their milestones when they are ready.
Just make sure you treasure them, as the time goes by very quickly and one year soon becomes two.