Joanne Gallacher

Are you flat, fat and skint?

Post Christmas blues...

Post Christmas bluesI am full of cold and I feel miserable. Is it me or is January a horrible month. What I need is something to look forward to but after Christmas I feel flat, fat and skint!

My brother is getting married in April and that’ll be lovely - I do love a wedding.

I haven’t been as involved in this one though - I mean in terms of going to look at wedding dresses etc. The last time I did that was for my friend’s wedding a few years ago and it was so exciting going to the Bridal Show at the NEC and looking at the gorgeous gowns in the most beautiful shops - almost makes me want to renew my vows!

I said ALMOST!

I’m actually meeting my sister-in-law after work to go and look at some dresses - for me not her. Am a bit nervous about it though. I don’t really like my figure at the minute and I hate my dinner lady/bingo wing arms.

Now that’s a problem seeing as all the dresses are sleeveless - maybe I could get one of those bolero jackets or I could go for fake tan. I always think brown fat looks better than the pale lily white variety.

The majority of dresses I have seen look lovely on the website but what they’ll be like on me is another matter. They’re always modelled on some Barbie looking model and would be ideal for someone who doesn’t eat and is a size 0 - that’s just not me.

My Mum even suggested buying one which was a bit tight and it would spur me on to lose weight - thanks Mum!

What I really need I suppose is to do some exercise but I’m not a going to the gym kinda girl.