How to be the best mum
Wednesday, 6th March 2013
Want to be the best mum in the world?
Not if you can't multi-task
I’ve always thought I was quite good at being a multi tasking mummy. I used to hold down a full-time job, go to the supermarket, remember social engagements – and what events they were.
Most weekends the husband and I were out. Dinner here, cinema there, round to a friends for a lovely evening of wine and chatter, then the next weekend back to ours where all Saturday could be spent on fine tuning that evening’s menu.
Turns out that wasn’t multi tasking at all, it was just a child-free life. Shucks!!
My oh my how life has changed! Now I know what multi tasking is. For the record, the husband still has NO idea. Don’t get me wrong he does help out with the children and will occasionally make them beans on toast. However, never at the same time – one task at a time and steady as you go, that’s the husband’s motto. But he somehow gets HIS life right.
I live my life by the clock. From the minute the alarm goes off the marathon begins or should that be the sprint begins? To the finishing line of getting them to bed at 7.30pm.
So this is how it works. Get the children out of bed; downstairs we go where an argument erupts over what’s going to be watched. Daughter number one wants to watch Disney’s Robin Hood, which has been screened in our home hundreds of times. Daughter number two would watch it but knowing that her sister REALLY, REALLY wants to see it, she demands Cbeebies - or as she calls it beebies.
This is all going on prior to my first cup of coffee. Added to the chaos is the fact that I’ve tried to switch to decaffeinated coffee and it’s not hitting the spot!
So, after the television row there are sandwiches to be made and breakfast to rustle up. Whilst this is going on the husband is still in bed. Yes, sound asleep like Sleeping Beauty.
When he finally gets up it’s to have a nice revitalising shower lasting an average of 20 glorious minutes.
Time ticks on and I take the girls upstairs to get dressed. The husband is finally out of the shower and appears like the (Prince of Persia) in his perfectly groomed attire, leaving me enough time to jump in the shower and have a cat lick. That's basically a shower that is over before it's began.
It’s then time for me to throw anything on which I can find and get the daughters all suited and booted.
We dash out the door. Grabbing coats, bags and lunches en route.
Another busy day starts.
Another day of clock watching before school finishing times.
Another day wondering how I’ll get the washing loaded, do the ironing, make something nutritious for tea and finish some writing in the evening.
It’s just another da for us mums's!
Sound familiar?
Well, if like me you've ran out of steam before your day has even begun, then check out my (Top 3 Tips) for multi-tasking mums listed below.
Top tip one: Make a to-do list
Seems obvious but it's very easy to fall into the habit of thinking you know what you need to do each day/week for school, work, swimming etc. Keeping a to-do list keeps things out of your head and on a list.
A great app I use which is available on all platforms is . It's truly wonderful and it's free. Plus, you can even create lists for shopping and holidays which you can add to your phone or tablet. And, if you have a job you create that you want somebody else to work on, Wunderlist will link that person to the list. Clever ay? Then when a task gets done, tick it off the list to give you that feeling of accomplishment.
Top tip two: Get Organised
Now you have your to-do list, stay organised. At the end of every household or work task, clean up your desk or workspace. Don't leave things out. It clutters your head. Remember the saying: Tidy desk, tidy mind!
Once you have your to-do-list, set priorities. Jobs that are Urgent Important and jobs that are Important but Not Urgent. Plus, if you're doing one thing don't deviate and start doing something else. For instance, if you're trying to work through a list of jobs at work turn off your emails, and log off facebook. Sounds obvious but leaving these windows open makes it harder to concentrate on the job in hand. Bascially all the stuff that could cause you to stop what you're doing could potentially slow down or even stop the job you're doing altogether.
Top tip three: Make time for you
Being a mum can be such a task orientated job. Everything is about getting this done and that done. Although it's rewarding it's not always rewarding when you feel like the whole world is taking a piece of your time but you. So, it's important to have some YOU time now and then.
Make an effort to give yourself at least one or two nights off the ironing or other household tasks and spend the time reading your favourite or new book in a lush bubbly bath. Or, arrange a night at the movies with a friend or just rent a film. Then, once in a while book a spa day with a friend to chill out and have a good relax. Or, meet for lunch with a friend at work. Basically whatever makes you feel good about yourself and gives you some proper time out. Oh, and I nearly forgot - although it may seem odd. Treat yourself to some new clothes now and then and stop looking at clothes for your children. They only grow out of them anyway.
Now, sit back and watch your life at your pace, not the pace of life. Xx