Baby sleeping bags, sleep solutions for your baby
Thursday, 7th April 2011
Baby Sleeping Bags
If you’re looking to keep your baby safe and warm through the night, baby sleeping bags might just be the answer.
We spoke to Maria Pedley from The Dream Bag who originally set up in business to give herself the opportunity to have a work/life balance and see more of her children.
When she approached her previous employer for this request she was refused. Hence, The Dream Bag was born.
In this interview she tells us all about baby sleeping bags. What to look out for when buying a sleeping bag and why they help your baby sleep safely and snugly through the night. She also has advice about what tog sleeping bag your baby should be sleeping in.
They offer a great selection of styles and designs with togs for spring, summer and winter, including free shipping for UK customers. For more information why not visit there website at
Alternatively, check out Maria’s most frequently asked questions when people are looking to purchase a sleep sack for their baby.