Peter Gallacher

Real mum talks real nappies

How to use cloth nappies

How to use cloth nappiesWe all know using reusable nappies is good for the environment but do we really know how to use cloth nappies?

In this interview we spoke to REAL MUM Tasha Harply about the benefits of using reusable nappies or as there most commonly known real nappies.

If you’re a parent contemplating whether to use reusable nappies then Tasha has some great tips about researching for the best nappies, changing nappies, how much to pay for reusable nappies - the benefits of using real nappies and possible local council funding available for your investments.

If you have anymore questions about using reusable nappies then why not view or join Tasha’s forum which is now dedicated to reusable nappies and called

Alternatively, listen to Tasha’s interview listed below.