Joanne Gallacher

Happy Age: Happiest age for a Woman

Do we have a Happy age? Does it exist?

New research claims 25 is the best age.

Happiest age for a woman is her mid-twenties.

A recent study of 2,000 women has revealed that life gets a little more stressful after you've turned 26. And the pressure to keep your career on track and start a family life reaches its peak at the age of 34.

happy age

The research found that women are at their happiest at age 25. However, women like singer Adele who is now 26 have already started the stressful hike to age 34. As a woman with a child, she like most women will admit that life has already changed beyond all resonable doubt.

And, it's all because of your new daily pressures. If you thought just having a job and a partner was stressful, then try starting a family or even just getting older. As it would seem that our stress and worries are amplified after our mid-twenties.

Happy age

Yes, although 25 is our care-free age when we worry less about our weight, looks and social lives. Getting older seems to come with a handful of new problems. Be it job satisfaction, guilt that we're not spending enough time with our familes, money worries, relationship problems and of course the fact that we're not as young as we once was.

Plus, the research showed that the women aged between 35 to 44 stressed about money worries, followed by health matters and then the health of friends and family members.

Almost all the women in the survey agreed that earning more money was their top priority and would help them live a less stressful life.

The women surveyed also said that spending more quality time with friends and family would be the main lifestyle change they would make if they had the money to do so. Nikki Cooper, the founder of the company Inner Me who commissioned the research, said: “As women enter their early to mid-thirties, balancing the demands of work and family life can be really hard work, and the ladies of this country can often find they have little ‘me’ time.”

So, what do you think? Are you 25 and feel great about your life?

Or are you over 30 and constantly feeling stressed?

Let us know your thoughts. Xx