Joanne Gallacher

I’m turning into a soccer mom

Soccer mom eat your heart out

Being a parent is quite a full on role, obviously I was aware of the need to feed, water and develop them. I just was not ready for the non-stop playdates, committee meetings, fundraising sessions and now scouts training.

Being a mum is like being a soccer mom, one of those women who is always cheering on the kids, and joining every ruddy group there is until your life is so full the only valuable time you have for yourself is scuppered by falling asleep. Doh! Soccer mom

I even volunteered as an assistant scouts helper recently so my four year old could go to Beavers, a couple of other parents did the same as they obviously did not want their little darlings to miss out either, luckily we have considerably less training requirements than the leader!

One small mercy! Note to self: I really need to recharge my batteries! To top it off at yesterdays Childcare Partnership meeting the Chairperson announced their retirement, so when it came to ask who would take on the new role, I purposely looked at my feet, making no direct eye contact with anyone... Absolute silence... I am forced to look up... everyone is looking at me.

I refuse saying "Sorry, no I have too much on". Somehow at the end of the meeting I leave as the new Chairperson!!! How did that happen? Youngest has to attend the meetings with me though, so you can imagine me taking charge of the meetings, whilst youngest happens to play with the loudest toys in the room, the rainmaker, a very loud phone, and some thunderous rattling around with the blocks... whilst I feebly take order of us all! Between ferrying the children to karate, gymnastics, swimming and Beavers group, there does not seem much time anymore. I want my children to have a full and active life with plenty of opportunities, am just not sure how longer my poor little body can take new demands. One thing is for sure at the moment I can pretty much eat whatever chocolate or cake treat I like without putting any weight on, so a little silver lining... if I slowed down I might have to go on a diet and that would be even more painful!

In the evening now instead of a recuperating bath and collapsing on the sofa to watch television I thought creating a blog would be a nice idea, so my evenings are filled with me tapping away on my computer. Blogging has meant my boys have had some extra treats they might not have had otherwise but really what am I thinking?

Does anyone else feel it's hard juggling everything? I guess I am fortunate I only have it times two; if you have three, four or five children how on earth do you manage! I envy your stamina. One Mum signing off before I have to donate any more chocolate to the prying eyes of my children...

This post was written by guest blogger , proud mummy of two little boys, hopeless cook and lover of cake she also loves sharing her mummy experiences with others.